PrimeRole Media

Never Miss Another Contact

One data provider is never enough to find all the contact details. Integrate multiple data providers and let the system do the heavy lifting by automatically going to each provider to fetch details. Eliminate manual work and save time.

Extensive Company Insights

Talk to your prospects with the right information. Access over 120 account enrichment attributes, including department growth, business category, decision-maker hires, industries, tech stack, product reviews, app stores, and hiring trends.

PrimeRole Media
LinkedInLinkedInTech StackTech StackProduct InformationProduct InformationRevenueRevenueDecision Maker HiresDecision Maker HiresIndustriesIndustriesDepartment HeadcountDepartment HeadcountAcquisitionsAcquisitions
Job OpeningsJob OpeningsProduct ReviewsProduct ReviewsSocial MediaSocial MediaSearch Engine PerformanceSearch Engine PerformanceSimilar CompaniesSimilar CompaniesFundingFundingSubsidiariesSubsidiariesRevenueRevenue
Glassdoor ReviewsGlassdoor ReviewsAdvertising InsightsAdvertising InsightsHiring TrendsHiring TrendsPricingPricingWebsite IntelligenceWebsite IntelligenceDistribution PlatformsDistribution PlatformsWebsite Traffic ReportWebsite Traffic Report
PrimeRole Media

Create Scores to Prioritize Prospects

Create customized scores for companies and individuals based on the attributes and signals most relevant to your business. Scoring algorithms help you prioritize your outreach efforts and focus on high-potential leads.

Browser Extension for All Your Needs

Use our browser extension to research, collect leads, and prospect anywhere on the web. Seamlessly integrate with your workflow and enhance your outreach efforts with real-time data enrichment.

PrimeRole Media

Join Thousands of BDRs Growing with PrimeRole

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PrimeRole Media

Hyper-Personalized Messages

Craft tailored messages based on prospect profiles and company insights. Our AI-driven system ensures each outreach is unique and relevant, increasing the likelihood of engagement and response.

Surface Profile Highlights

Our AI surfaces key details of a contact to use in conversations and emails. Highlight skills, job history, and other relevant information to create a connection and build rapport.

PrimeRole Media
PrimeRole Media

Seamless CRM Integration

Integrate effortlessly with popular CRMs like Salesforce and Zoho. Pull data directly from your CRM to create intelligence and insights with a single click, enhancing your sales and marketing strategies.

Eliminate bottlenecks in your pipeline, let's talk!

Schedule a short call with us to discuss how we can help you